Subject: I care for you!

Hello Friend,

Yes, I genuinely care for you...

I truly mean it.

I care for every single student of mine.


Let me explain.

It was the year 2020, Feb 27th

I had completed my first ever challenge given by my mentor Siddharth Rajsekar & got a chance to speak with him for the very first time.

This was a dream come true for me. 

He praised me & said, Sakshi stay this way for ever & show the same enthusiasm & commitment for every student in your community forever & ever.

Till that time, I didn’t even have a community.

But I understood what kind of coach I wanted to become.

Because my mentor said...

"Hundreds of people can run ads or sell courses, but the ONE THING that will make you stand out is the love and care you give to your tribe."

That was a 💡"bulb on" moment for me (even though it seemed very simple)

And the interesting thing was that he had always practically shown me that love as a mentor.

It was after this that I started working on my courses & within a few months had Career Branding hub in place.

We will be celebrating the Second Anniversary of CBH on 6th of May but everything seems like yesterday.

🔥From 0 to 800+ students, hundreds of success and transformation stories & now almost reaching 1 crore in revenue, this has been a blessed journey for me.

That's the power of following your mentor to a T.

A lot of other people completed the first challenge with me that day, but there’s hardly anyone from that batch reaching this far.

Some fizzled out in the start & some achieved a little success & settled for it.

But, I followed every instruction my mentor gave me without a doubt or question.

Because success isn’t about completing one challenge.
It’s a process of taking up new challenges at every step.

I invested in every course, every program & every training he recommended.

I surrendered myself.

I am glad I did because today I’m a totally different person.

I won’t say that I didn’t fail in the process or never had any negative thoughts.

But if I had not gotten, that love and care from my mentor, I would not be where I am today. 

True mentors instil deep belief in their students. They don't just talk about tactics and tools.

I'm writing this note just to let you know that I care for you and I'm always thinking about how you can be successful.

I want to give you a virtual hug right now (and I'm sure you can feel it). 🤗

Today is Akshaya Tritiya!

A lot of people like to go and buy jewellery on this day because some smart marketer designed a plan for the masses to believe that if they buy gold on this day, it will multiply their wealth.

But my mentor showed me what is true wealth?

It is the value you add to yourself, through constant learning.

It's the value that others perceive in you as a person.

It is the love and care you give to your people.

It is the love and care that you receive from your community.

It's beyond money and profits.

For me, true wealth is to be able to live a lifestyle of purpose and freedom, where I'm building a business that inspires and impacts people at the deepest level.

Money has always been the by-product of the value that I've delivered.

Akshaya Tritiya is a special day historically.

In actuality whatever actions you do expands and multiplies.

Here what I would recommend for you:

✔️Give charity
✔️Invest in your growth
✔️Express your love with your community
✔️Spend time with your loved ones
✔️Reflect on your goals
✔️Express your gratitude to your mentors
✔️Bless even the people you do not like

At Career Branding Hub we believe in giving & serving. And I know for sure that all my students will build their career on this very principle.

I want to let you know that I am with you at every step..
I believe in you...

Don't give up ever... because I'm not giving up on you.

You are bigger than you think you are.

Do not let all the negative chatter in your head rule your life.

Stay connected.

Attend all our calls.

And ensure you also build your career with 💗 + 💡

Love + Logic

Your career is a process where your skin is in the game of constant value add.

And when you build your career on such principles, ABUNDANCE will always follow you. You will never ever live a life of SCARCITY.

You matter.

Your knowledge matters.

Your Growth matters.

So be in the game.

If this message impacted you, reply back & promise to meet me to celebrate our 2nd anniversary together on 5th of MAY (pre-celebration) at 8:00 PM

Always there for you,
Sakshi Chandraakar
Sakshi Chandraakar, Jankalyan Nagar, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400095, India
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