Subject: 💰How to make money on LinkedIn through your content?

Hello Friend,

This message is for you only if 👇

1- You are active on LinkedIn

2- You want to build your brand & make money from your content.

The whole process of our Career Branding revolves around building a strong brand on LinkedIn to attract relevant opportunities.

A lot of our community members do not really focus on this aspect.

👉Some never really start

👉Some are guest visitors

👉 Some begin the process & once they achieve their goal leave the platform.

📌And then there are those who have already established themselves as brands on LinkedIn & are growing their network, followers & income consistently.

Which category do you fall in?

I'm not sure if you've heard about the CONTENT ECONOMY or not but this is where we are living in.

👉People who focus on content creation today will reap the benefits in multiple ways.

I make a minimum of 100,000/- every month organically from LinkedIn with less than 4 posts per week.

👉Because I know how the algorithm works & how I need to position myself as a brand.

In my latest post on LinkedIn, I've shared 4 steps that can help you increase your earnings & get you opportunities like never before.

✅❌ You'll also find some very important dos & don'ts.

If you are not connected with me on LinkedIn or are not active on our Telegram group, I would invite you to check this post.

Note: Content creation is a need for

1- Jobseekers to attract the right recruiters & hiring managers

2- Working professionals to build better networks & increase their visibility

3- Freelancers & Entrepreneurs to increase their business & get more clients & customers.

Please click on the link below to read the post.

📌Also pls drop a personalized note to become a first-degree connect if we are not yet connected on LinkedIn.

If you are a part of this Brandathon, this post will help you immensely in the upcoming mission.

See you soon!

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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