Subject: How long will you wait?

Hello Friend,

Today I want to share my story that resonates with this dog🐶

By the end of this post you too might find this dog in you.

📌So, there's this dog who use to sit in a particular spot in front of a restaurant.

🧍‍♂️A young man use to visit this restaurant everyday for lunch.

🐾He finds this dog howling nonstop everyday & so he use to feed him thinking he is hungry.

For days the man observes this & one day finally he asks the manager of the restaurant if he knows why the dog keeps howling all the time.

🤯The manger replied," Sir, this dog is sitting on a nail. He gets up from there only to eat & goes back to sit on it again.

😮 Bewildered, the man asks, " so, why doesn't he leaves that place"?

💡The manager says, " because he doesn't finds it painful enough yet".

I sat on a nail for long & probably you are sitting on it too.

📌Cribbing, yet not changing
📌Suffering, yet not moving

I am glad I got away from that place & believe me, it doesn't hurt here anymore 😊

My question to you is👇

📌How bad is bad enough for you to make a change?

📌How miserable do you need to feel before you move?

📌How many times you want to fail before you start taking action?

📌How long will you wait?

Successful people are successful because they move & make changes.

Don't think, just move.
The time is NOW🏃‍♀️


Sakshi Chandraakar, Jankalyan Nagar, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400095, India
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