How badly do you want to reach your goal?
Most people want to make more money & grow in their career but they DON'T and most likely they WON'T.
They take birth..... get a degree.... they work...get married....they work....have children..... they work....get old....and die.
In between all they do is STRUGGLE.
❌ They don't desire enough
❌ They don't risk enough
❌ They don't learn enough
❌ They don't implement enough
Most importantly
Failure is a natural part of the process.
I fail all the time.
I want to fail hundreds of times again because that will teach me what not to do moving forward.
In the first 1.5 yrs of my coaching profession I gave up everything.
I worked for 12-14 hrs every day.
I didn't focus on my family
Didn't go out with my friends
Didn't watch Netflix
I invested heavily in my self development & learning (I still do).
The only thing I was doing was learning & implementing.
Most times I would fail & sometimes I would get some breakthrough.
I did cry several times but I didn't give up
I followed everything my mentor suggested.
I was open to feedback & change.
I was willing to accept my mistakes & try again.
This is the 3rd yr of my coaching business & I feel free.
My kids are self reliant
I travel & party with my friends at will
I shop whenever & as much as I want.
And I'm happier than before.
Whether its a job, promotion, business or side hustle that you want growth in
> Your goals require you to give up everything that comes in between.
> It takes courage & only courageous people are successful.
👉 You are either all in or you're all out.
❌️ In between there are only excuses & mediocrity.
Do you desire enough?
Will you dare to play this game?
To Your Brand's Success
Sakshi Chandraakar