Subject: ⚡Here's the session recording

Hello Friend,

On 11th Feb I promised everyone in my email list to do a LIVE session on 👇

"How to Recession Proof Your career"?

Due to some technical glitch, it couldn't go LIVE so here I'm sharing the session recording with you.

👉I explained in-depth a 10-step plan on the actions you need to take to become recession-proof.

Economic recessions can result in 👇

✔️ Increased competition for available positions
✔️ A significant decrease in job opportunities
✔️ Longer periods of unemployment
✔️ Lower salaries and
✔️ Less job security

Being recession-proof means having a strong brand presence, skills, experience, and a mindset that makes you valuable and adaptable and can increase your chances of finding and keeping employment during challenging times.

Click below to watch the recording 👇


Feel free to ask me your questions once you've watched the session & also join me in my career branding masterclass tomorrow @ 7 PM if you wish to learn how to implement these steps to attract the right jobs & growth opportunities.

Will share the zoom link tomorrow.

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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