Subject: ⚡Gurantee your career success with this 1 skill

Hello Friend,

Do you know what sets apart a good candidate for new job or a great employee for a promotion ?

It's their PERCEPTION.

✅ Every human being makes decisions based on perceptions they form about people or things around them.

For eg-

1- You watch an advertisement of a product on TV & form a perception that it's great & end up buying it.

2- You are suggested a service by your friend who has experienced it & thus, you form a perception that it would be a good investment.

Like wise

1- During the interview IF the interviewer forms a perception that you are going to be a valuable resource for the company, you get the job.

2- At work IF you give a perception to the decision makers that you are good at handling people & organisational issues, you get the promotion.

Remember - If people form a NEGATIVE PERCEPTION about you then despite all skills, experience, talent & hardwork, you will not be given opportunities.

And Perception management is the same as Reputation management or Personal & Career Branding.

You can call it by any name but if you don't learn it as a SKILL, you will always be behind others.

🔥Your perception about who you are, what you know & how you can help others is the DECISION MAKING CRITERIA.

Do you have this skill?

If Not, then attend my free Masterclass today at 7:00 PM to learn : How to Rebrand Yourself to form a right perception & attract right career opportunities.

Join the session with this link 👇

The doors will open at 06:50 PM

To your Brand's Success
Sakshi Chandraakar
Sakshi Chandraakar, Jankalyan Nagar, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400095, India
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