Subject: From Passive to Proactive in 90 mins

Hello Friend,

Are you working really hard & expecting things to just fall in place one day?

Do you think your manager or boss will notice your efforts & achievements & will promote you soon?

Do you believe your high performance is the only way to career growth?

Well, it's great to have positive expectancy, however, the hard truth is that your efforts & performance aren't enough.

You are being paid to perform well but for the next level of success, you need to do more.

Don't worry I'm not talking about more hard work or extra time.

I'm talking about your Career Branding

Your perceptions in the eyes of others decide your results.

How you are seen by others despite your talents & skills drives their decisions.

It's time you take charge & proactively build your brand to attract the opportunities you deserve.

Join me in my masterclass today at 11 AM to learn the Proactive Career Branding techniques in just 90 mins.

Here's your zoom session link 👇


I will keep the doors open at 10:50 AM

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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