Subject: Finish this Brandathon with your Angel Mentors!

Hello Friend,

I hope this message finds you well!

I want to encourage you to join our ongoing Brandathon for a fresh start if you haven't yet.

Even if you attended a few missions from the last Brandathon or an entire Brandathon, it’s essential to participate in this new one.

We’ve formed a supportive group for committed students seeking mentorship to complete the six missions.

By committing to the process over the next six weeks, you’ll have the opportunity to work with an Angel Mentor who will guide you throughout.

So far, we have covered the first mission, Niche Clarity, and you can find the recording in the Brandathon Blueprint course.

You can work at your own pace or alongside your mentor.

If you can commit to the next six weeks, please fill out this > Google Form

Tomorrow, we will assign you to a group with your angel mentors.

Also, join this temporary telegram group for this Brandathon if not joined yet.

NOTE - Don't fill out the form or join the group if you cannot commit yourself to the next 6 missions now.

Looking forward to seeing your progress!

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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