Subject: 💥Dr. Nanada Prabakaran Secures a Whopping 110% Salary Increase in R&D Clinical Research Role!"

Hello Friend,

I just had to drop you a quick note! You know how we always talk about the power of career branding in our sessions?

Well, there's some news I think you'll find super inspiring.

💥Dr. Nanada Prabakaran a fellow community member in our program secured a whopping 110% increase in her salary within her R&D Clinical Research role. 

😍Quite an impressive achievement, indeed.

After 15 years, some highs and lows, and a bit of self-reflection, she dove headfirst into her branding journey, and look where it got her!

Here's what Nanda has to say👇

Now, I'm not saying this to brag about CBH or even about Nanda (okay, maybe a little about Nanda 🤩).

I’m sharing this because I genuinely believe that if she can do it, so can you.

Look, I get it. Sometimes, life gets chaotic. Maybe you missed a video or two, or maybe a live session slipped through the cracks.

But stories like Nanda's? They remind us why we started this journey in the first place.

So, if you're feeling a bit off-track, consider this your friendly nudge.

Dive back in, chat with your peers, ask questions, and let's turn your aspirations into the next big success story!

Meet you soon and keep rocking!

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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