Subject: Do you resonate with this story?

Hello Friend,

One of my friend's younger brothers is a mechanical engineer from IIT.

A scholar who has always been a top performer.

He isn't happy with his current job & wants to make a switch and here's what's happening👇

1- He's scared of leaving this job to find a better one.

2- He isn't getting enough time for job hunting & is accepting random interview calls.

3- His health is deteriorating & family life is disturbed.

4- His self-esteem & confidence is getting low.


Because he is not showing the courage & taking the risk of leaving his current job.

He has good savings but people around him are not supporting his decision of leaving this job until he finds a new one.

Do you resonate with this story? Or know someone going through a similar phase?

Hundreds of talented professionals ruin their careers in such desperation & family pressure.

👉Success comes to those who follow their calling, show courage & take risks.

> You need to be in a good frame of mind to make the right career decisions.

> You need time to figure out who you are, what you really want & where will you be a great fit.

> You need to be in love with what you do because that is the only way to be happy & successful.

> Have faith in your abilities & take guidance from the right mentors.

Your life is precious, ❌ stop living it on autopilot.

👉And this is what is all about branding.

The Career Branding Model revolves around helping you identify who you really are, your needs, your wants, your goals, your aspirations, your potential, your skills, your gifts & everything about YOU.

You are a gift to the world. Know that you are here for a reason. Use that gift to create a life of choice for yourself & help others achieve their best in your association.

Everything starts with you & ends at you.

That's why building THE BRAND YOU is important for your holistic development.

👉Are you ready for the journey to finding the real you?

Because once you know that, you will be unstoppable.

Jobs, salary hikes, promotions, clients, growth, opportunities will come to you effortlessly.

Join me in my masterclass tomorrow, 13th Nov at 11AM & let's discover the REAL YOU.

To Your Brand's Success
Sakshi Chandraakar
Sakshi Chandraakar, Jankalyan Nagar, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400095, India
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