Subject: Do you know your relationship with money?

Hello Friend,

One of the most giant blocks in our Career growth is our Money mindset.

Money can be such a space of resistance for us.

Most of us think about money in the same way because most of us were raised with the same ideas, the same thoughts & the same beliefs.

Whatever we’re thinking about money leads to how we feel about money, and that feeling gives off energy. That energy either supports our earning capacity or hurts it.

And how we consistently deal with money establishes our relationship with it.

If this relationship isn't supporting your career growth you need to work on it.

Now, the challenge is, money will never compromise.

It will always be you who has to understand it, love it, trust it & slowly tame it.

Believe me, it's not that difficult however, it does require practice & a shift in mindset.

I've learned to redirect my energy.

I've learned to replace my thoughts.

I've learned to make money my need rather than a wish or desire.

I've changed my relationship with money & all the Legends in our community are learning to do the same.

Once you do this, you will start becoming a money magnet.

I'm not saying that money will bring all the happiness in the world but it surely does a lot that brings happiness.

👉It does make relationships better

👉It does give us a lot of comforts

👉It does bring bigger opportunities.

In 2 days most of us will go & buy gold, silver, or some metal as a ritual on DHANTERAS.

We do this because we have a belief that this will bring year-long prosperity.

But let me tell you that YOU ARE THE REAL GOLD 🌟

Your mindset will bring you prosperity not just for a year but for a lifetime.

If you are serious about changing your relationship with money forever then register for our Dhanteras Special session tomorrow, 22nd Oct @ 7 pm.

This is gonna be a 45 min session only & there will be no recording for the same.

Register with this link

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To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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