Subject: Do you know how to sell your 'Personal Brand effectively' Friend?

Hello Friend,

Do You Know How To Sell Your Personal Brand Effectively?

May be this is your answer -  I'm not into Sales🙄

Is it?
Check this out 👇

1-Not liking, commenting & creating content- You sell the perception that, You Don't Exist

2- Like people's post but never comment - You sell the idea that , You Can't Engage

3- Not Creating content - You are selling the idea that, You are Amongst the 99% who have 'I Can't Do Atitude'

4- Sending generic resume for all jobs - You sell the idea that, You Are Not Serious About The Job.

5- Giving point to point answers during the interview - You sell the perception that, You Can't Converse Well

6- Don't take initiatives at work - You sell the idea that, You Lack leadership skills

When you do something , you sell the perception that you ARE CAPABLE of doing that.

When you don't do something, you are selling the idea that you ARE NOT CAPABLE of doing that.

And all the Perception that people form about you is your "PERSONAL BRAND"

You Are Either Building or Destroying Your Brand by Your Selling Skills.

👉Are you being Visible?
👉Are your communicating your capabilities?
👉Are you are still thinking you are not into Selling?

I have seen several people ignoring the importance of building & managing their brand. 

May be because 

📌They don't believe in the power of Personal Branding
📌Some doubt their abilities of building it.
📌Some think that they can do it later
📌Some just don't understand it only

❌But majority lack willingness to take action. 

Nothing worthwhile is built in a day!

But every big thing needs to start building up some day.

Let this be the day for you!

And if you are truly committed to achieveing bigger & better things in life and if you are not an excuse giver, I promise to help you build your brand.

We all in direction, guidance, consistent support & a little motivation.

I got it from my coach when I needed it the most. And now, I want to help others achieve their goals.

Join me in my LIVE coaching session 👇

Date- 03rd Feb 2021
Time – 07:00- 08:30 pm

The doors will open at 06:50pm 🙋‍♀️

Meeting ID: 869 2300 4422
Passcode: 971948

Here's the access link to the session

Here's what I will be teaching you in my Personal & Career Branding training

1- Why selling your personal brand effectively is needed more that ever?
2- What are the fundamentals of Personal & Career Branding?
3- How can you build an irresistable brand that attracts any career opprtunity?

Are you ready to start your journey to become

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P.S - Here's what my students who are successfuly building their brand have to say about their experience

Sakshi Chandraakar, Jankalyan Nagar, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400095, India
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