Subject: Dissatisfied With Your Job?

Hello Friend,

85% People Hate Doing Their Jobs - Gallup Poll

Are you 1 of them?

A Gallup study suggested that most employees feel disengaged & dissatisfied at work.

And enough of it has been blamed on the employers.

But for once let's look inwards.

If you are unhappy ask yourself 👇

1-Did you set your priorities, right before starting your job search?

2- Did you spend enough time knowing yourself- your strengths, skills, interests, etc?

3- Did you spend enough time researching the company, role & culture?

4- Did the job role & responsibilities excite you enough before applying?

5- Did you think you will be able to put your skills to use in this role?

6- Did you get skilled in negotiation skills to ask for what you deserve?

6- Did you develop communication skills to make sure you communicate your thoughts effectively?

7- If you are working, are you constantly upskilling yourself?

8- Are you empathetic, adaptable & open to change?

9- Are you willing to listen to others' points of view?

10- Do you have a growth mindset?

The list of huge...

👉 Keep in mind that we all get what we work for.

👉 Another study suggests that we spend 90000 hrs, 1/3rd of our life at work.

If you are not happy, what sort of life are you leading?

❌️ Stop applying for random jobs.

❌️ Stop blaming others for the wrong choices you are making in your career.

👉 Create your own Blue Ocean.

And if you have come this far & feel that you want to create a Career of Your Choice Not Chance then I invite you to my free Masterclass on Career Branding.

Join me LIVE today at 07:00 PM

If you will join me today then reply back - Choice not chance.

To Your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar
Career Branding Coach
Sakshi Chandraakar, Jankalyan Nagar, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400095, India
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