Subject: 🔥Discover the Power of Authenticity

Hello Friend,

Do you ever stress the importance of making a great first impression?

đź“Ś I, as a career coach always impress upon looking good, dressing well, and grooming oneself appropriately.

These certainly are all crucial elements in creating a strong image of yourself in the professional world. However, it's important to remember that being authentic is equally essential.

Does authenticity matter?

Let me share a recent incident.

đź’ĄIt was my first big offline event in Mumbai on the 5th of May.

Most of my students had reached the venue and I was still in my kitchen making rotis. (left pic)

It would have been so easy for me to feel embarrassed about this, to worry that my students would judge me for not having a team of helpers at my disposal.

But instead, I posted this pic to let them know that I will be with them soon as this too was important.

Did this spoil my brand in their minds?

Nope, not at all.

In fact, they all felt more connected with me.

I don’t hide who I am, I don’t show who I am not.

I also very well understand that I have to create a strong image of myself in the professional world.

And that’s what me in the second pic at the event in the evening. (right pic)

Yes, I always dress well for the occasion & I teach the same to my students also.

However, your bond with people gets stronger when they know you are the same inside out.

Your authenticity is what attracts people the most.

Let them know who you really are.

People need the real you. Let them feel that you are the same species.

Don’t put yourself on a pedestal & don’t make others feel any less than you.

Money could be earned in hundreds of ways, but love & respect isn’t easy to come by.

Don’t fear showing your real self. If you are getting overwhelmed with how people look on social media, believe me, you too can look like them but don’t just focus on exteriors.

Make your inside beautiful and see the magic happening outside.  
So, I encourage you to let go of the need to be perfect.

Don't be afraid to show the world who you really are.

In the professional world dress your best but at the same time be the best at what you do & make the people around you feel their best.

That’s how you build a Strong Career Brand.

Ready to build your brand, your authentic brand?

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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