Subject: 🏏Dhoni's Secret + Our Exclusive Challenge Starting Tomorrow- Ready to Elevate?

Hello Friend,

Can you believe we're almost at the end of 2023? 😮

Let's pause for a second:

  • Do you have any goals you haven't ticked off yet?

  • How cool would it be to turn these last two months into a game-changer?

  • Is anything holding you back?

  • Picture this: ending the year strong and making everyone proud. Sounds good, right?

Guess what? I had a chat with M.S. Dhoni💃recently, and wow!

His words about mindset were a wake-up call. It got me thinking... I need to bring this energy to all of you!

So, here's the deal: I’m super excited to invite you to Elevate in 60, our "Mindset Makeover" Challenge.

👉Starting tomorrow 1st of Nov, join me every day for just 20 minutes which can reshape your mornings and pump you with energy.

In these 20 mins, we’ll kickstart your day with positivity and focus. Whether you're job hunting, aiming for a promotion, or just wanting to shine a bit brighter, these sessions will be your secret sauce.

Initially, this was just for our Legends members, but the results were so amazing that I’m opening it up to everyone - especially YOU.

Let's meet daily from 6:30 AM - 6:50 AM. Together, let's soak in some of that Dhoni-inspired mindset and make the end of 2023 phenomenal.

Reply back - In-game! if you are ready to take up this challenge.

Watch the video of my conversation with Dhoni here 👇 Instagram

Watch the video of my conversation with Dhoni here 👇 LinkedIn

This is your recurring Zoom session link for the next 60 days

Hope to see you tomorrow morning sharp at 6:30 AM for Day 1 of the challenge.

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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