Subject: Dec Schedule & Brandathon Clarity

Hello Friend,

Welcome to our Leaders Membership! It's more than a program; it's a family where each journey, including yours, is celebrated.

Get Involved This December To ensure you're up-to-date, here's our December schedule. It outlines all the upcoming sessions and activities, so you can plan and make the most of your membership.

🗓 December Schedule: [Schedule Link]

Brandathon: Your First Step You've joined just after we kicked off our Brandathon.

No need to worry about missing the start – I've got you covered! I've prepared a short video to bring you up to speed and guide you on how you can still be an active part of this transformative experience.

🎥 Catch Up Here: [Video Link]

Ready to Participate? If the Brandathon piques your interest, please fill out this form. We'll promptly add you to the December Brandathon group for a rich, collaborative experience.

📝 Sign Up for Brandathon: [Form Link]

Remember, this journey is about personal growth at your own pace. There's no rush.

I'm here to guide and support you through each step.

Once again, welcome to our family. I'm excited to see your growth and achievements!

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

P.S - In case of any query please drop a msg on telegram to our team at -

93214 47994.

Make sure you join the main telegram CBH group


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