Subject: Friend, How do you differentiate yourself from others?

Hello Friend,

Why differentiating yourself from the crowd is a necessity today?

Looking for a job?
Million others too are looking for similar jobs.

Looking for clients?
Thousand others too are targeting your clients.

Looking for customers?
Hundred others are trying to attract customers.

Reality is that we have tremendous competition everywhere.

But the scary thing is that your employers, clients & customers are flooded with choices today.

So, Why should people choose you?

📌We all are into P- to- P business

People to people business

People are buying YOU, not your degree, service or product.

You are a Brand.

You are a promise, a promise that if people buy you, they without fail will get this, this & this.

With similar degrees, similar services, similar products it becomes difficult for people to stand out.

This is where your HOW comes into play!

How you do things differently from others?

📌The doer is always YOU, not your degree, product or services.

It's, time to build yourself, BUILD YOUR BRAND.

To help you understand this concept, I invite you to my Masterclass.

Topic - Personal & Career Branding

Date- 3rd Jan 2021

Time: 04:00- 05:30pm

Pls click on the link to confirm your spot



P.S - Do check out what my students have to say about their Personal Branding Journey
Sakshi Chandraakar, Jankalyan Nagar, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400095, India
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