Subject: 🔗Breaking the Chains: 🇮🇳 Independence Day Special Session

Hello Friend,

As we gear up to celebrate the 🇮🇳 77th Independence Day, I've been thinking a lot about what freedom truly means – not just as a country but as individuals chasing our dreams.


Are you truly free?

Imagine your mind as a canvas, painted with all your hopes and aspirations.

💭 Now, imagine there are these little chains holding back the vibrancy of your dreams.

They're not actual chains, of course, but they're equally real and powerful.


🔗 Negative Thoughts: You know those whispers of doubt that sneak in when you're trying to dream big? Those are like tiny anchors, preventing your ideas from setting sail.


🔗 Self-Limiting Beliefs: It's like underestimating your superpowers. These beliefs clip your wings before you even realize you could soar.


🔗 Fear of Failure: Oh, that fear is a crafty one. It convinces you that the familiar, the safe, is the only way to go. But the truth is, real growth lies just beyond your comfort zone.


🔗 Comfort Zone: It's like a cozy blanket, but if you stay wrapped up for too long, you'll miss out on the excitement and learning that come with taking risks.


🔗 Mental Blocks: You know when your brain throws up a "Do Not Enter" sign when you face challenges? That's a mental block, and it's time to tear it down.


🔗 Past Mistakes: Remember when you made a mistake? Those memories can be loud. But they're just bumps on your journey, not roadblocks.

Now, here's the thing – these chains might be holding you back, but they're not unbreakable.

In fact, the key to shattering them lies in a simple yet profound mindset shift.


🇮🇳 This Independence Day, let's do something truly liberating.

🔥Join me for a 2 hr special learning session (11:00 AM - 01:00 PM IST)

where we'll dive deep into these chains.

👀It'll be more like an eye-opening conversation where we unravel why they're there and how you can start freeing yourself from them.

As a Legend, there's a lot that you are already doing & overcoming and this session will make way more sense now to you.


Looking forward to an enriching conversation tomorrow the 15th of August.

Until then Friend, keep dreaming big – because you're capable of achieving even bigger

See you sharp at 11 AM

Register for the session with this link 👇

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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