Subject: 🔥Branding Bootcamp Day 1 @ 7:00 PM

Hello Friend,

🔥 Join us for an exhilarating journey in THE ULTIMATE BRANDING BOOTCAMP, marking the final edition that's a must-attend for all!!

📋 Over the course of three intensive sessions, we're going to transform your brand from basic to mastery.


  • Unveil Your Master Brand

  • Decode Branding Paradigms

  • Harness The Power Of AI

To maximize your experience, consider these key tips:

  1. Turn off phone off phone notifications.

  2. Create a distraction-free setting.

  3. Opt for a laptop for an optimal session.

  4. Equip yourself with a pen and notepad for insights and activities.

  5. Remember, it's mandatory to keep your camera ON throughout the session.

But most importantly, come with an open mind, poised for positive transformation and new knowledge

Brace for an extraordinary experience !

🕖 The session starts precisely at 7 PM.

⚠️ Doors close at 7:15 PM; latecomers won't be admitted.

No session recordings will be provided. Timeliness is crucial for breakthrough results.

Lock in your spot by clicking the link below  👇

To your branding success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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