Subject: ⚡Brandathon Mission 5 - Resume & Portfolio creation @ 7:30 PM

Hello Friend,

At 7:30 PM sharp today, we've Brandathon mission #5.

>>>Here's the joining link

Here's what the topic of this week's Brandathon: Resume & Portfolio creation.

Most of you do a decent job of getting a potential recruiter's attention...

But when they ask you to send your resume/portfolio...

You don't hear back from them.

Sounds familiar?

If this has happened a few times then your resume could be the problem.

Let's fix it once and for all at today's Brandathon.

>>>Once again, here's the joining link

This session will be around 2 hrs - 7:30 PM - 9:30 PM

👉 If for some reason you miss attending it live, pls watch the recording later in the Brandathon Blueprint Course.

👉 If you join late then pls refrain from asking questions in between so as to not disturb the group.

Meet me at 7:30 PM

Click on this link to register for the session 👇

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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