Subject: Brandathon Mission 3 - LinkedIn Revamping @ 7:30 pm 👇

Friend, congrats you've made it to mission #3 of the Brandathon!

Tonight at 7:30 PM, we've Brandathon Mission #3 - which is to revamp your Linkedin.

This is the mission where the rubber meets the road...

You'll learn how to promote yourself as the "go-to" person in your line of work.

Growing my LinkedIn following from 0 to 100K has been the SINGLE most lucrative thing that I have done to my career.

Tonight, I'll show you how to turn your normal LinkedIn profile into an "opportunity-creating" machine...

>>>Here's Your Joining Link For Today's Brandathon @ 7:30 PM<<<<<

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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