Subject: Biggest Myth About PROMOTION 👇

Hello Friend,

Are you someone who feels that👇

I'm doing a great job, people will know it & I'll get promoted.

Well, the Truth is👇
Doing a great job is only a part of your job. The other part is making sure that people know who you are and what you are capable of because people are too busy with themselves to be paying attention to you.

Millions of talented, experienced & skilled professionals feel undervalued & underpaid.

Most of them tend to blame others for their stagnant growth.

But only the successful understand the importance of BRANDING.

Your BRAND is made up of:

✔️What you do well
✔️What are your skills & talents
✔️What people can expect from you

Are you able to communicate who you are, what you offer, and how people will benefit from working with you?

If NOT, then pls stop expecting others to find these answers for you.

Irrespective of your domain, profession & or designation, you need to clearly understand your brand & make it known to others.

Take out a little time to find your 'Unique Form of Greatness.'

Remember 👇
Your brand cannot be solely created through your words. It's created from all your actions & behaviors.

🔥If you are looking for a promotion your PERFORMANCE is only the basic mandatory step.

🔥What more you do to PROMOTE & MARKET yourself will decide the MONEY & POSITION.

Have you thought about these answers?

The simple logic is - If you can't promote yourself, how can people expect you to promote their products & services.

Reply back if you think you need help in identifying, promoting & or marketing your brand.


To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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