Subject: Be the dumbest in the room

Hello Friend,

This idea might sound weird to you but take a look at this perspective.

This statement is repeated & discussed by successful people to the point of sickness 👇
"If you’re the smartest person in the room, you’re in the wrong room".
Let me confess, I spent most of my life thinking that-
> I need to be the best in the room.
> I had to prove to people that I knew more than them
> I was self-obligated to win every argument
> I was playing the game alone
> I was caught up in my ego thinking that my success will come only from my personal talents & abilities.

I’m sure many of you would resonate with me because that’s how we’ve been conditioned.
🙆‍♀️I can’t tell you how I regret doing all this for years.
I’m glad that now I choose to be in association with those who are more talented, more knowledgeable & more experienced than me.
And I’m open to learning & implementing all the Gyan I gather from them.
Because growth doesn’t happen in a vacuum - it happens when we accept the likelihood of failure and learn from the mistakes and successes of others.
What happens when you surround yourself with talented people 👇
1- You feel uncomfortable & that’s how you start pushing your limits to reach your potential
2- You get challenged for the narrative you created for yourself (which could be wrong).
3- You witness different perspectives from their experiences which you could have never gained.
4- You learn things you might never consider learning otherwise.
5- You make lesser mistakes because you learn from their failures.
You can either choose
To feed your ego & be with people who make you feel good


You can be with those who challenge you to beat your best.
Hanging out with successful people will one day make you successful because someday they were the dumbest in the room.
 I would rather hang out with goldmines than ash heaps.
Take a little time out & look around your room.
Are you the dumbest?

If Not, then it's time you find such a room.

Will you?

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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