Subject: Bad early choices are tough to correct later!

Hello Friend,

The career decisions we make early on frequently set the tone for the way ahead. 

In 2 decades of my career, I made several not-so-good choices.

Some were impulsive, some thoughtful and a few took me behind others.

 I wish I had someone to guide me through my journey back then. 

So this post is a reminder to the hard-working person in you that your success depends upon your choices.

Every choice you make has a repercussion and most times it's hard to undo things.

Here's how choices impact you👇

📌If you are a Jobseeker -

1- It's hard to make an impression with a resume if you've filled it with generic content.

2- It's hard to land your dream job if you haven't tailored your preparation for specific interviews.

3- It's hard to expand your industry network if you consistently avoid relevant events and workshops.

📌If you are a Working Professional - 

1- It's hard to stay relevant in your field if you avoid upskilling and continuous learning.

2- It's hard to climb the corporate ladder if you dismiss valuable feedback instead of learning from it.

3- It's hard to establish a strong professional brand if you neglect your online presence and reputation.

🚨Your journey and the power of your brand in the marketplace are both shaped by the choices you make early on. 

Need Support in making the right career decisions?

✅Join my 🆓 Career Branding Masterclass to learn strategic steps to revamp your career brand and secure premier job roles and promotions. 

Date: 8th Oct (Sunday)

Time: 11:00 AM

Click on this button below to join the Zoom session 👇

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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