Subject: Are you using outdated job search approaches Friend?

Hello Friend,

Is your job search approach the same as your Grand Parent's & Parent's approach🤷

You call yourself modern, you talk of technology & you use the latest smartphones but when it comes to finding jobs & growing in your career, are you still following your Dadaji's footsteps?🙆‍♀️

Your survival & success depends upon how well you Differentiate yourself & Stand Out of the crowd.

Find out who you are- a Job seeker (JS) or a Job attractor (JA)👇

What do you Focus on?

JS - I need A Job
JA - I need The Job

How do you create your Resume?

JS - Generic resume in age old format
JA - Customised & ATS proof

How aware are you about the Job market?

JS- Fighting for 30% advertised jobs
JA- Tapping into the 70% hidden job market

What's your Networking technique?

JS- Reach out to random people & spam them with job request.
JA - Build relationship with their target audience

Are you Marketing yourself?

JS - Have no idea how to market yourself
JA- Use different tools & approaches to market yourself

Are you building your Brand?

JS- Unaware about your brand power
JA - Consistently building your brand

If you identified yourself with a Jobseeker Friend & wish to learn how to become an Attractor, I invite you to my free Masterclass.

Topic - 6 Steps to becoming a Job Attractor
Date - 29th Nov (Sunday)
Time - 4:00- 5:30 pm (IST)

Register with the link 👇

See you LIVE tomorrow 🙋‍♀️


Sakshi Chandraakar, Jankalyan Nagar, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400095, India
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