Subject: Are you misusing your 'Privilege of Choice'?

Hello Friend,

Amongst all the living creatures it's only humans who have the Privilege of Choice.

I heard Shri. Swami Muktananda shares this concept so beautifully.

He says, 'When humans misuse this privilege, it cripples them & retards their growth.

√ Trees will grow as high as they can.

√ Other creatures will grow as much as they can because they don't have a choice.

× The only people who don't grow are the HUMANS because they have a choice.

And by utilizing this privilege they create a 'LOSER'S LIMP'

What's Loser's Limp?

This term comes from sports.

• When a fielder misses an easy catch or when a basketball player misses an easy layup, they fall to the ground & get up limping.

• The purpose of limping is to 'Camouflage their Failure'

This is what most of us do.

We are responsible for crippling our growth & the speed of our journey because of this Loser's limp.

🙈I remember creating a Loser's limp way back in 8th grade during my state-level 200 meters race.

I was ashamed of losing & just to hide that shame I limped to get a little sympathy & make it a reason for not winning.

But the repercussion was that I never got the right guidance from my trainer because he never knew the real reason for my failure.

Today, I'm not scared of making mistakes but of giving excuses because I know I would never learn the right ways of doing things otherwise.

I know it's difficult but believe me, a life full of excuses is even more difficult.

We can choose to live an enriching life because we have 'The Privilege Of Choice'

Do you have any such stories to share?



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