Subject: Are you making these networking mistakes on LinkedIn?

Hello Friend,

Do you know - The #1 way people discover a new job is through a Referral.

LinkedIn Hiring statistics suggests:

Employee referrals are a top source of quality hires.

• 35 % of employees refer to help their friends.
• 32% do it to help their company.
• 26% do it to be seen as a valuable colleague.
• Only 6% do it for money and recognition.

The question however is – Are you taking advantage of this source?

Most professionals lack in NETWORKING SKILLS.

👉Networking skills are the abilities or competencies you need to maintain interpersonal connections both online & offline.

If you are trying to build your network on LinkedIn don’t make these mistakes👇

1- Sending connection requests without a customized message – It’s your duty to introduce yourself & give them the reason for connection.

2- Making it all about you – Sending a message but talking only about what you want is a sure shot way to end the relationship before it starts.

3- Being an askhole – Asking for favors & free advices is the biggest blunder you can make.

4- Being unprofessional – Forgetting the basic rules of etiquette & taking the relationship casually can ruin your impression.

5- Failing to demonstrate reciprocity – If you don’t understand that networking is about having mutual benefit & value addition, you are losing the game.

6- Forgetting to show Gratitude – Showing gratitude goes a long way but failing to thank people says a lot about you.

And the BIGGEST MISTAKE is considering your connection as a NUMBER.

Remember – People are forming perceptions about you in their minds based on the experiences they have with you.


Do you wanna take a chance?

To Your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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