Subject: Are you getting noticed?

Hello Friend,

Are you facing any of these situations?

1- You are applying for several jobs but no body is responding back

2- You are working really hard, putting extra time & efforts and probably performing better than others at work yet, people aren't noticing you.

3- You have a great service or product but your clients/customers aren't paying attention to you.

If yes, then you aren't working on your Personal & Career brand.

Do you know Attention is the new Currency (GOLD)?

Getting people’s attention is worth money today!

Whether you are a jobseeker, professional, entrepreneur or freelancer, you need people’s attention to fetch opportunities & make your fortune.

🔥 Nadia Merchant a Project Manager in my community was struggling to get this attention for long.

She decided to overcome her fears & self limiting beliefs.

She has started applying the techniques of Career Branding & this is the result.

Just like Nadia there are millions of talented professionals in our country but unfortunately these talented people do not know how to market & promote their talent to the right people.

Please know that Your Career Growth is 100 % Your Responsibility.

And the easiest & the smartest way to move forward in your career today is by working on - Your Personal & Career Brand

Your Brand is your reputation or your image.
It’s the perception of YOU in people’s eyes.

If they think you
-Are competent
-Can add value
-Solve their problem
-Help them grow

You can have their job or business or someone else will have it.

It's high time you show you are the one for them.

If you are someone who doesn't want to waste months & years struggling to get people's attention to prove your potential & grow in your career then, I invite you to my masterclass tomorrow, Sunday 11th Sept at 11:00 AM

👉You will Learn How to Rebrand Yourself To Get Noticed in this crowded market space.

Join the session with link

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

Career Branding coach

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