Subject: Are you exceeding the expectations?

Hello Friend,

If you're someone looking for career growth this message is for you👇

You were hired because you met expectations, and you will be promoted only if you can exceed them.

In any career or employment, meeting expectations is the basic minimum necessary for success.

But to truly excel and stand out from the crowd, you must strive to exceed expectations.

And the benefits of doing so are amazing 👇

1-   Rewards & Recognitions - You have a greater chance of being acknowledged and rewarded for your work with promotions, bonuses, and pay raises.

2-   Growth Opportunities - You can be given greater responsibility, given high-profile assignments, or presented with training and development opportunities.

3-   Building a Positive Reputation – You increase your chances of job security, networking opportunities, and employment offers from other firms.

Let’s see some examples

1-    A sales representative who exceeds quotas

👉Reaching your sales quota is your main objective if you work in sales.

But what if you exceeded that quota & went the additional mile to close more deals and earn more revenue?

📌 You could position yourself for a promotion or a bigger sales territory in addition to impressing your supervisors and earning their appreciation.

2-    A software developer who exceeds expectations

👉 Your responsibility as a software developer is to create programs and write code to satisfy the needs of your clients.

But what if you invested the time in comprehending your clients' industries and provided more functionality and features than they first requested?

📌 You could gain your customers' trust, strengthen relationships, and even bring in new business by exceeding their expectations.

3-    A customer service agent who goes above and beyond

👉Your main objective as a customer care professional is to answer client concerns and provide solutions to their problems.

But what if you took the time to pay attention to their requirements and gave them customized answers that went above and beyond?

📌 By doing this, you might be able to turn an unhappy client into a devoted one and possibly attract new clients by spreading good word of mouth.

⚠️Please note: 95% of professionals will do only what is being asked. So you better build your brand & stand out because they aren‘t even competing.

Hope this message helps you get more clarity on becoming a 5 percenter.

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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