Subject: Are you building a career or just doing a job?

Hello Friend,

Most people want a career, and a few also want to follow their purpose but all they keep doing is a job.

They get confused between 👇

What I am meant to do


What I want to do


What I have to do

So, is there a difference between the 3?

Well yes.

👉A JOB – Is about making a living.

You get paid for your time than for your skills. If another job with higher pay comes along you may jump to that.

It doesn’t fulfill you and doesn’t bring any joy but it surely pays.

💡YOUR MINDSET: I want to earn money

❌People at jobs have no vision and no & long-term goals.

👉A CAREER – is a sequence of jobs in a similar field.

You want to keep advancing in your field & find self-worth in what you’ve achieved or accomplished in what you do.

Your success is defined by your promotions, power, or prestige.

💡YOUR MINDSET: I want to become successful by adding more value at work.

✅ People making a career have big visions & long-term goals.

👉A PURPOSE – is a point where your talents, passions & experiences intersect & you are able to change the world around you.

✅ You find meaning in the work you do & want to make the world a better place for others. Serving others is your priority & money is a by-product of your success.

💡YOUR MINDSET: I want to live a meaningful life & leave a legacy that makes this world a better place.

🙋‍♀️My purpose is to help jobseekers & professionals find their calling(niche) to build a career that’s more meaningful, fulfilling & financially promising.

❌ Stop looking for A JOB.

✅ Identify your NICHE

✅ Attract THE JOB that helps you CREATE A CAREER where you can utilize your talents, skills, and expertise but above all allows you to fulfill your purpose.

Where do you find yourself? 👇

A job, a career, or living your purpose?

👉If you think this message gave you a different perspective & you really wish to make a shift now, then join me in my free masterclass today at 7 pm on Career Branding.

Join with this link 👇


Let me know if you can make it today

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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