Subject: Are You an EQ Genius? Find Out in 2 Minutes!

Hello Friend,

A study by TalentSmart on Emotional Intelligence (EQ) reveals two key findings:

1-    EQ accounts for 58% of performance in all job types, underscoring its importance across various industries and roles.

2-    90% of top performers have high EQ, highlighting a strong correlation between emotional intelligence and professional success.

📌Your Emotional Intelligence (EQ) has a huge impact on your career growth.

Try answering these simple yes/no questions to gauge where you stand.

1-    Do you regularly reflect on your emotional responses at work? Yes/No

2-    Are you aware of your strengths and weaknesses in professional settings? Yes/No

3-    Can you effectively control your emotions during stressful situations at work? Yes/No

4-    Do you think before reacting to negative feedback? Yes/No

5-    Are you driven to pursue your goals even after setbacks? Yes/No

6-    Do you remain optimistic and proactive in challenging work scenarios? Yes/No

7-    Do you consciously try to understand your colleagues' perspectives during conflicts? Yes/No

8-    Are you sensitive to the needs and feelings of others in your team? Yes/No

9-    Do you find it easy to build rapport with new colleagues or clients? Yes/No

10- Are you comfortable navigating and resolving workplace conflicts? Yes/No

A majority of 'Yes' responses indicate strong EQ skills, while 'No' answers highlight areas for growth.

🚨Stay tuned for my next post on practical ways to enhance your EQ for career branding!

Let me know your score & tomorrow I'll share the practical ways to enhance your EQ for career branding!

➡️Remember accepting where you are, is also a sign of high EQ.

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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