Subject: AVOID saying these 3 things in an interview 👇

You're all dressed in your formals.

You've locked your room.

Cleared from all the distractions & noise.

You log in to Zoom...

Your interview with your dream company has just begun...

…and they throw the classic "tell me about yourself" at you.

How would you respond?

Well, here are 3 common responses that most candidates give.

You can use them if you want a sure-shot way to lose that opportunity.

Because they are ALL wrong ways to answer the question:

1) The Lack of Self-Esteem Reply.

"Umm...I don't know. There isn't much about me. Most of the things are in the resume"

2) The Lengthy Autobiography Reply.

"I was born in Noida...I went to DPS, I then majored in accounting at Xavier's received an 8.8 CGPA, then joined company x..then moved to Y..."

3) The Selfish Reply

"I've always wanted to be an ethical hacker. Plus I also want to be in Pune. So I feel this is my absolute dream job."

Now you know what NOT to do...

Can I show you what exactly you should do instead?

I’m conducting the Career Branding master class on Sunday at 11:00 AM.

Where I’ll show you the fastest way to: double your salary, land your dream job & accelerate promotion.


​>>>Join The Master Class Here


To Your Brand's Success,

Sakshi Chandraakar

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