Subject: A Wrong First Impression Can Cost You Your Job

Hello Friend,

Are you not able to crack the Interviews?

It's time to - Focus on your First Impression

There are several stages in the interview process but most of the time your result is decided within the first 3-5 seconds.

👉 Your First Impression Matters More Than Your Qualification.

Imagine this

Scenario 1- You reached the Interview venue 10 mins late (nobody cares about the reason).

Consequence – You surely would sit for the interview, but the interviewer has already formed this first impression about you 👇

✔️ You don’t value time
✔️ You don’t respect others
✔️ You are not serious about the job

Now throughout the interview, this impression will subconsciously form negative judgments about you in the minds of the interviewer.

> Even though you gave all the answers correctly you still might not get the job.

Scenario 2- You dress casually or shabbily for the interview.

Consequence – Your interviewer forms this impression about you 👇

✔️ You are not serious about your self-presentation, so you would lack good presentation skills at work.
✔️ You look casual so you sound casual & thus you should be taken casually
✔️ You are careless & don’t pay attention to details
✔️ Your shabby clothing & grooming talk about your current financial status so you should be ok with a low salary

> Even though you were talented you couldn’t sell yourself high.

👉Being punctual & dressing well is the basic etiquette we learned in elementary school.

No one cares about your degree or experience if you don’t follow the basics.

There are others elements of First Impressions which might cost you your job.

Let me know if you wish to learn more about them as well.

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar


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