Subject: A Personal Note: Why Our Meeting Matters!

Hello Friend,


In exactly a month (19th April), many of us will have the opportunity to meet in person, some for the first time since our last gathering in Mumbai.


This anticipation fills me with an indescribable joy, not because of the event itself, but because of what it represents for our community of dedicated professionals.


You see, as I began preparing for our retreat, I found myself pondering deeply on why this meeting is so important.


📌 Why does it matter that we come together beyond the screen, beyond the emails, and truly connect in a shared space?


It took me back to the very essence of our mission: to rise above mediocrity, to inspire excellence within ourselves and create a positive ripple effect in the lives around us.


👉 Our gathering is not about financial gain but about igniting the light within each one of us to craft a better world, to make an impact that outlives our years.


❤️At the heart of our journey are two pivotal elements: Truth and Authenticity.

Being true to ourselves, to those we serve, and to our mentors and spiritual guides is a testament to our commitment to our greater purpose as chosen by the universe.


Authenticity, on the other hand, vibrates at a frequency that transcends the imaginable, drawing others to us for who we truly are, not the facades we sometimes hide behind.


Our community, CBH, is more than just a space for learning about branding.


It is a sanctuary for those yearning to lead a more meaningful and purposeful life alongside like-minded souls.


** It's understandable that not everyone will choose to stay on this path, and that's perfectly okay.


👉 But if you who feel a deep-seated call to something greater, I invite you to look within and ask yourselves if you are being true and authentic.


I, too, am navigating this journey, grappling with distractions and moments of uncertainty. Yet, I believe that together, we can support one another to elevate our collective standard of excellence.


🔥 The legacy we leave behind will not be measured in wealth, but in the positive impact we've made in the lives of others.


Whether you'll be joining us in Goa or not, I urge you to set an intention today to live every moment with truthfulness and authenticity.


And if you are coming, prepare yourselves for an experience that promises to be nothing short of divine – a convergence of the best versions of ourselves, elevating each other in ways we've yet to imagine.


I invite you to reflect on this message and share your thoughts with me.


❤️ Together, let's make this retreat not just a meeting of minds, but a union of souls committed to leaving a lasting, positive mark on the world.


To your branding success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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