Subject: A Little Pre-Diwali Heart-to-Heart 🪔

Hello Friend,

With Diwali🪔 just a few days away, I felt like dropping you a note – the old-fashioned, heartfelt way💖.

We're all getting into cleaning mode, aren't we🧹? It's almost like our homes breathe easier once we've dusted and decorated.

But this year, I've been thinking... we do so much to clean up our homes, what if we spent a little time cleaning up our thoughts too?

You know how a tidy room feels fresh and inviting right? Imagine if our minds felt that way too.

I'm trying to sort through my thoughts before Diwali, keeping the ones that make me happy and letting go of the stuff that doesn't. It's not as easy as cleaning my room, but it feels important.

I wanted to share this because I think it's something we rarely talk about. We all do the outer cleaning, but maybe we could do some inner cleaning together too🧹.

Just a thought, maybe take a quiet moment during the Diwali prep to let go of a worry or stress. Could be a nice new tradition for us in CBH.

And you know, while we’re at it, let's think about the people we spend our time with. Diwali’s all about good energy, so let’s keep company with those who make us feel like every day is a festival.

I'm not looking for perfection – just a bit more peace and focus. Not just busy with work, but really enjoying what we do, finding that flow in the everyday hustle. That’s the real joy, isn’t it?

Let’s remind ourselves that we're all works in progress and that’s completely okay. Every step forward is worth celebrating, with or without fireworks💥.

So, before we get lost in the lights, the sweets, and the crackers💥, let’s take a moment to breathe, plan, and smile😊 about the good we’re going to do – for ourselves and each other.

If you feel like sharing your thoughts, I’m all ears.

Here's to a Diwali that lights up not just our homes but also the corners of our hearts we sometimes forget about ❤️

Take care and write back soon!

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

P.S. - You can also join our ongoing 60-day Mindset Makeover Challenge (6:30-6:50 AM) for daily doses of inspiration & action!

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