Subject: @7pm - you don't need motivation, you just need...

Hello Friend,

Did you hear about Elon Musk's killer 🗡️ response when asked about motivation?

"Why the hell do you need motivation?" he questioned, when probed about his drive to achieve such audacious goals.

His point? 🔥When you set a goal, you need action, and not motivation. 

If you need inspiration and motivation to do a job, perhaps it’s not the right job for you.

Think of it like this: You set a goal. What's next? Just action.

❌Most people crave assurance that their actions must lead them to success.

But life becomes straightforward when you know what you want, set a goal, and start taking action.

🎯 Successful people don’t linger on the need for motivation. They don’t get up every day listening to motivational videos on YouTube.

Let’s take an example: If landing your dream job or position is your aim, identify the steps and start acting.

👉But here’s a twist: if you're applying randomly, motivation will be necessary because you're not genuinely excited about the work. 🔍

👉On the flip side, if you know who you want to help, why you want to help them, and how you’re going to do it, the process doesn’t just get easier—it becomes something you can’t wait to jump out of bed for in the morning.

🔥This isn’t about needing motivation; it’s about being so aligned with your goal that the excitement never fades.

I'm helping over 3,000 professionals in my Career Branding Masterclass find their niche & build their brand on LinkedIn - where their skills and passions align perfectly. They're not only landing their dream jobs but also doubling their salaries.

And the best part? They're excited to go to work every single day.

So, I'm inviting you to join me today at 7 PM.

Let's find out what truly drives you and how you can create a career that doesn't need an external push to feel rewarding.

Join me with this link 👇

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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