Subject: ⚡6 reasons why your salary isn't increasing

Hello Friend,

Salary isn't just determined by your degree, skills, or experience, nor does it benefit from your negotiation skills.

Below mentioned are some of the reasons why most people get paid less

1- Supply & demand – If you offer generic and common skills that are readily available in the market, there's not a lot of demand for them, so you're paid less

2- Mediocre performance - If you only perform what you are supposed to, you won't grow. People pay more to those who offer more.

3- No learning & upskilling
– For growth in any position, you are required to learn new skills & add more value; if you refuse to learn & upgrade yourself, you will not progress.

4- No implementation of feedback – Knowing what you lack and working on it is the only way to grow, but failing to ask for feedback or not taking action on it will keep you behind the pack.

5- Lack of soft skills – People who lack soft skills are not able to work well with others, think creatively, are not emotionally intelligent, cannot manage their time, can't solve problems & communicate their ideas. In short, if you lack soft skills, you will always earn less.

6- Poor attitude – Those who have a laid back attitude, blame others and cause problems for others never succeed.

🔥The only way to get more is to give more and for that you must become more.

🔥 Who you are is your current brand & if this isn’t working for you, it’s time to change & rebrand yourself.

If you are serious about Rebranding & your career growth then I invite you to attend todays's Masterclass at 7:00 PM

The doors will open at 06:50 PM

To your Brand's Success
Sakshi Chandraakar
Sakshi Chandraakar, Jankalyan Nagar, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400095, India
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