Subject: ⚡6 Ways to Improve your Networking on LinkedIn

Hello Friend,

Have you been finding it difficult to network with people?

See, we all network with people around us, but some of us are good at it, and some of us are learning.

The challenge, however, is that many people confuse networking with asking for favors without returning them.

🤝 "Networking" in a real sense is building relationships for mutual benefits.

They say if you're not networking, you're not working.
LinkedIn provides an excellent platform for professionals to connect and collaborate with others in their industry.

Here are 6 ways to improve your networking on LinkedIn, especially while you are job searching.

1. Personalize your messages :
Don’t just send out generic emails. Take the time to research the person and tailor your message to their experience.

2. Follow up:
Follow up with the people you reach out to and let them know you’re still interested in connecting.

3. Ask questions :
When you reach out to someone, ask them specific questions about their experience or any advice they can provide.

4. Offer value :
Don’t just ask for help from others. Offer to provide any help or resources you can in exchange for their time.

5. Participate in discussions :
Join relevant groups and post comments on topics that are relevant to your job search.

6. Stay active :
Keep your profile updated and post relevant content to stay top of mind with your connections.

Keep in mind 👇

📌The way you approach and get noticed by people helps them form a perception of you.

📌This perception is your brand in their eyes, which decides your outcome.

📌Your chances of standing out and finding new opportunities will require a strategic approach to your branding and networking.

Your network is your biggest asset; are you taking care of it?

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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