Subject: 6 Things that will spoil your PERSONAL BRAND

Hello Friend,

You are killing your Brand! 😱

If you are doing any of these you are definitely spoiling your chances & opportunities of growth on LinkedIn.

1👉Too much or too little information

People give a few seconds only before they accept or discard your profile. Make them feel interested in you.

2👉 Sales Pitch

Stop selling, help them buy you. Stop sending those long sales pitches or asking for free favours to everyone in your network.

3👉 Narcissism

If it's always about you, your content, your comments & you don't bother about engaging with others you will soon be extinct.

4👉 Asking too much

Stop sending your posts on Dm & asking people to share your content or comment on them. Instead create compelling content to make people engage with it.

5👉 Ignorance

Internet is full of information, so stop playing this ' I don't know game'. Spend time in learning about the platform, people & the process.

6👉 Borrowing content too frequently

Getting inspired from people is one thing & borrowing their content without properly attributing the source & giving credit to them is another.

You can't become an EXPERT with shallow or borrowed content.

Internet is all about Karma - What & How much you give is What & As much you receive.


Sakshi Chandraakar, Jankalyan Nagar, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400095, India
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