Subject: 💸6 Steps to Get a Great Salary Hike

Hello Friend,

💸Salary isn't just determined by your degree, skills, or experience, nor does it benefit from your negotiation skills alone.

👉Here are the 6 things you must focus on to get the desired salary hike:

1-    Supply What's In Demand – Offer skills that are not readily available in the market. Don’t be generic, be a specialist. Go niche & do what others find difficult to offer.

2-    Perform Excellently- Offer more than what you are paid for. Your salary is directly proportional to the value you bring to your job. Think of ways to add more value.

3-    Learn & Upskill – You will have an edge over most employees if you keep upgrading your knowledge & skills. Your newly acquired knowledge & skills will make you look, think & act differently than others.

4-    Implement the Feedback - Knowing what you lack and working on it is the only way to grow. So, make sure you always ask for feedback & take swift action on it to stay ahead of the pack.

5-    Develop Soft skills – Invest in learning & building great soft skills which will project you as someone who can work well with others think creatively, manage their time, solve problems & communicate their ideas effectively. People who lack soft skills always earn less.

6-    Show Great Attitude â€“ Project a positive attitude where you take full responsibility for your actions & not play the blame game.

👉What your employer sees in you, is your current brand & if this isn’t making you money, it’s time to close the loopholes by rebranding yourself.

🔥The only way to get more is to give more and for that, you must become more.

👉 Are you serious about getting results for the efforts you are putting in & making more money?

If your answer is yes, then I invite you to my free masterclass on Career Branding tomorrow Thursday 13th July at 7 PM

Here's your Zoom Masterclass link 👇

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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