Subject: ⚡6 Reasons You Are Probably UNDERPAID

Hello Friend,

Do you think you are being UNDERPAID?

Several studies reveal that most employees are earning less than they should.

> The reasons cited were lack of strong overall performance (50%), lack of leadership/communication skills (30%), and lack of career growth opportunities (20%)

You are free to blame the employers for paying you less however, the main cause behind all this low compensation is the employees themselves.

Let’s see the reasons or mistakes you might also be making

1- Salary Ignorance

Most jobseekers never do any research about the average salary in the market.

Knowing your worth before you accept an offer is a common sense. Be aware

2- Poor Negotiation skills

8 out of 10 companies are open to negotiation but only 3 out of 10 candidates ever negotiate.

Knowing how to negotiate salary offers is a valuable skill that can increase your earning potential throughout your career.

3- Less Perceived Value

You might think you are adding value to your company or employer, but they might not.

If your employer or client is not able to see the value you generate, you are unlikely to be paid accordingly.

4- Low-Value addition

There is only one thing people get paid for - solving problems.

You add value to a business or employer based on the value of the problems you solve.

The value you add will decide the money you will be paid

5- Wrong company & or position

Applying for & accepting random jobs & positions that do not match your talents & skills could never get you your worth.

6- Not asking for raise

Most professionals are unaccustomed to asking for increases in pay. 

“A closed mouth doesn’t get fed.”

Feeling uncomfortable, nervous, or trying to not sound too pushy will make you regret it further.

👉Low pay breeds resentment, depression, lack of confidence & demotivation.

👉Your hike & promotion is your responsibility.

If you think you too are making these mistakes its time you work on 👇

> Building a Strong Career Brand
> Becoming Visible
> Getting Confident in asking for WHAT YOU DESERVE.

Join me today in the masterclass on Career Branding at 7PM

The doors will open at 06:50 PM

Click this link to join the session👇

To your Brand's Success
Sakshi Chandraakar
Sakshi Chandraakar, Jankalyan Nagar, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400095, India
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