Subject: 4 Tips to Boost Your Career Growth

Hello Friend,

If you are talented, skilled & hard working but you aren't growing in your career these 4 tips might be of help 👇

1- Speak up before the opportunity arises.

Eg- Sometimes a colleague gets promoted, or a new hire comes in for a job you never even knew existed—a job you would have applied for if you'd known about it.

Action 👇

> Let your boss know the paths you're interested in.
> Set your future goals, talk about what you want to do, and ask for assignments to projects that will help you achieve this.

2- Speak up when the opportunity arises.

Eg- Your manager may make an assumption that you won’t be comfortable traveling a lot because you have a little kid at home.

👉Decisions are based not just on merits but on assumptions too.

Action 👇

> Keep in mind that you probably have skills and interests that your boss knows nothing about.
> If you don’t speak up or tell her about your interest areas she may pass you up for an employee who did speak up.

3- Invest in your self-development.

Eg- You shared an idea with your boss but someone else presented it to the management & got the promotion just because you don’t have good presentation or public speaking skills.


> Find out what training you need, and who can mentor you on that & pursue it.
> Nobody will ask you to get a certificate or learn a skill. You are expected to be a learner & a performer.

4- Take Responsibility

✔️ Your boss is focused on her own career and hitting her performance goals.

✔️ Your HR department is focused on legal compliance and filling the top spots.

So, who will pay attention to your growth?


Action 👇

> Don't ever sit back and wait for someone else to notice that you'd do a great job in a higher-level position.

> Volunteer for challenges.
> Build relationships outside of your direct line of reporting.
> Become more likable & credible at the workplace.

👉 For every new & bigger role you are expected to know more, do more & be more.

✔️ You are a business of one. You are a Brand.

✔️ Selling yourself effectively & wisely is your responsibility.

If things aren't moving your way, it's time you Rebrand Yourself.

Attend the Career Branding Masterclass today, Wednesday 14th Sept at 7:00 PM & learn how you can attract more opportunities by positioning yourself differently in your workplace.

Join with this link 👇

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

Career Branding coach

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