Subject: 🚀3X Your Productivity with this Power Technique

Hello Friend,

Do you feel that interruptions waste a lot of your time and kill your productivity?

Studies suggest:

> Face-to-face interruptions account for 1/3rd more intrusions than email & phone calls.
> The average worker takes 15 minutes to return to serious mental tasks when interrupted.
> The average employee spends 28% of their time dealing with unnecessary interruptions.

But fear not! There's a powerful solution to handle interruptions👇

The "POWER WORK HOUR" technique.

What is this Power Work Hour?

It's a dedicated 60 minutes of undisturbed work time.
Work for 50 minutes and take a 5–10-minute break — the ideal time sequence to maximize productivity.

📣 Here's how to make it work for you:

1- Hang a "POWER WORK HOUR" sign on your door, place it on your workstation, or pin it on your cubicle wall to signal your focus time.

2- Notify your colleagues that you need uninterrupted time during this hour, and they'll respect your boundaries.

3- Mute your phone and turn off email notifications. Yes, turn them off to avoid distractions.

4- Most importantly - focus on accomplishing only ONE TASK.

Try not to multitask during those 50 minutes. Multi-tasking makes your brain less productive and efficient!

👉I suggested this technique to one of my clients whose interruptions were hindering his productivity and causing him huge frustration.

But once he implemented the Power Work Hour technique, he experienced a remarkable increase in focus, efficiency, and accomplishments.

🔥If you truly want to grow in your career you need to stand out & become more visible.
🔥You need to build your CAREER BRAND differently by:

✔️ Being proactive and productive
✔️ Respecting your time and others'
✔️ Inspiring others with your actions
✔️ Taking on tasks others hesitate to do

Remember - "You got to give more to receive more."

📌And if you are serious about your career growth & wish to position yourself as a standout employee, join me in my upcoming Career Branding Masterclass tomorrow 22nd Jun @7PM.

Register for the session now with this link 👇

🔥I have a community of more than 2000 working professionals who are getting massive results in their personal & professional life by following the Career Branding Model.

I look forward to helping you too take your brand to the next level.

Let me know if you can join me tomorrow.

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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