Subject: 3 Truth Bombs💣 & Invite for the last learning session of 2022

Hello Friend,

đź’­ Have you ever thought about a

🤑Bulging bank account,

🏖️Endless exotic vacations with your loved ones

🚙That sexy car sitting in the garage of your dream house

And you are able to manifest đź’°money on autopilot?

I am sure you have in some form or the other.

They say if you can imagine you can create so why is it that most of us are not able to make it a reality & live the life of our dreams?

👉You are looking for that job or hike or more clients in the hope that someday you might make that kind of money to live this kind of life.

But I want to ask you this question – If you continue to grow at the pace, you are growing now how many years will you take to make the kind of money you dream of?

Unfortunately, most never ever make it in their lifetime.

But today I want to share the truth & this is something so powerful that if understood & followed can make all your dreams come true in just a few years.

This is the True Game of MINDSET


đź’ŁTruth Bomb 1- Your Attention Creates Your Reality

Here are some statements I hear from people every day

1-     I’m not able to land a job

2-     I don’t have money

3-     I’m not being promoted

4-     I’m not able to generate passive income

5-     I can’t learn XYZ skills

6-     I can’t communicate confidently


The list is endless but just see for yourself where your focus is going

Your focus is on what you are not able to achieve, what you don’t have or can’t do.

Your attention is on what you lack & that’s what is becoming your reality.

👉 You create more Lack & more Scarcity by paying attention to lack & scarcity.


đź’ŁTruth Bomb 2 - Your Brain Can Get Caught In The Negative Vortex

When you begin to experience negativity and scarcity…


Often, that reality of experience builds and builds.


It grows on itself, creating something called “brain gravity.”

Bad experiences are stronger and more memorable than good ones.


👉Experiences like- Losing that job, getting rejected, failing in relationships, losing money, being abandoned by friends, and being criticized… live in our minds longer, leaving a deeper, more lasting impression.


So, since your attention creates your reality…


Your negative experiences create their own gravity in your mind…


Your attention gets caught in a negativity vortex.


Where all you can see is scarcity and negativity…


It’s basically inevitable…


đź’ŁTruth Bomb 3- It’s Your SUBCONSCIOUS That Conducts Your Attention.


Most people feel like it’s their circumstances that are their enemy…


That they’re constantly fighting “bad luck”...


Or just waiting for the right “break”...


Or just “hoping for the best.”


But, all that does is perpetuate your current experience of reality.


And keeps you from seeing the role your Subconscious is actually playing in your life.


It’s your subconscious that's running the show.


In fact, the subconscious is the "Conductor" of your attention.


👉Your subconscious is so powerful, it's led some neuroscientists to conclude that it’s responsible for AT LEAST 95% of our thoughts, feelings, and decisions… every day!


That’s basically like living your life on autopilot – A life full of self-doubt & negativity.

💣Ultimately, it’s your subconscious that decides where your attention will go, which will create your reality & thus you experience more scarcity.


The good news however is 👇


✔️ You can reprogram your subconscious mind.

✔️ You can create new thought patterns.

✔️ You can change your belief system.

✔️ You can change your results.

✔️ You can change your life.



MY QUESTION IS - Are you willing to change?


If your answer is yes, then register for the life-changing experience of reprogramming your mind in our last learning session of 2022.


đź’°Learn The Art of Money Seductionđź’°

Note - This session will not be recorded so you must attend it LIVE only.


Reply – 100% if you will join me.


Register for this session now👇

🔥Tomorrow will also be the last opportunity to upgrade to LEGENDS for a Lifetime.

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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