Subject: 3 Traits of a Successful Candidate for Job or Promotion

Hello Friend,

Employers want to know your job skills but they're also interested in the parts of your personality that can contribute to their business. 

Are you able to showcase these traits? 

✅ Your CAREER BRAND is built with a combination of such traits & your professional expertise. 

👉 If you are not visible to the decision-makers or not able to articulate & sell yourself effectively then your chances of growth are low. 

There's an OPPORTUNITY COST you will continue to PAY for as long as you don't take responsibility for working on your brand. 

Here are the 3 traits

1- High energy - Companies prefer those who display high energy, optimism & resilience.

Why? Because these employees

> Entertain, educate & engage

> Demand more from themselves

> Focus & drive to deliver value

> Build great confident teams

> Increase innovation

2- Passion - Companies want those who are driven by their inner passion than material incentives

Why? Because these employees

> Have a long-term commitment to their work

> Dedicate themselves to bringing an impact

> Form strong trust-based relationships

> Get excited about challenges

> Desire to learn faster

3- Credibility - Companies look for those who fulfill their responsibilities, accept mistakes & impress with actions not just words.

Why? Because these employees

> Are trusted sources of information

> Value respect over likeability

> Make smart & strategic decisions

> Take responsibility for their errors

> Invest in self-development

Let me repeat - There's an OPPORTUNITY COST you will continue to PAY for as long as you don't take responsibility for working on your brand. 

Join me in my masterclass today, 18th Jan at 07 PM If you are ready & willing to take responsibility for your career growth now.

Here's your zoom session link 👇


Reply - 100% if you are meeting me today.

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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