Subject: 3 Career Myths Holding You Back👇

Hello Friend,

I hope this email finds you in the midst of a productive week.

I've been doing some thinking about how hard work doesn't always equal the success we expect. It led me to ponder some common career myths that might be at play.

Myth 1: More Hours = More Success 

It seems logical that more hours at work should lead to more success. However, it's the quality and efficiency of our work that truly matter. So, how can we shift our focus?

  • Track and Limit: Start by monitoring your working hours and question the productivity of each hour.

  • Set Clear Goals: Rather than working longer, work smarter by setting specific, achievable goals.

Myth 2: 'Yes' is Always Best Always saying 'yes' can spread us thin and decrease the quality of our output. Instead, we should:

  • Evaluate Requests: Take a moment to think about how new tasks align with your career direction before automatically saying 'yes'.

  • Practice Saying 'No': Begin with small, manageable refusals to build the confidence you need to protect your time and energy.

Myth 3: Agreement Propels Career While it's important to be a team player, agreeing with everything can stifle our growth. To add real value:

  • Develop Critical Thinking: Look at situations from various angles and prepare to offer thoughtful insights.

  • Communicate Effectively: Share your ideas confidently and respectfully, fostering a culture of innovation and collaboration.

Each action you take and every myth you dismiss carves out the distinct narrative of your brand.

Remember, your brand is the story people tell about you when you're not in the room.

Make it one that aligns with your true professional aspirations.

Have you found yourself staying late, always saying 'yes', or nodding along for the sake of peace? How do these choices shape the way others see you?

Let's get candid. Hit 'reply' and share your journey with me.

Together, we can ensure that the brand you build is the brand you want to be known for.

To Your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar


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