Subject: 10 skills the top 10% have (workshop registration) 👇


Yesterday I spoke about the unfair advantage the top 10% in any industry have...

Can I tell you something even more unfair?

You might not like this...

But they're not people who've:

- more experience

- better education

- or even more talent

Than you do.

If it sounds too out there, to be true...

You can go ahead and check it out yourself.

But with that being said,

These people do have 1 thing that the rest don't.

And those are what I called "The 10 Skills".

Those who have these 10 skills are the top 10% ones in ANY industry.

I want you to be there.

And these 10 skills are EASYY to learn...

I'll be walking you through each one of them on the workshop I'm conducting on 21st September.

I initially wanted this workshop fee to be INR 1,999-2,999...

But I figured that might stop a LOT of you from joining.

(which I don't want, I truly want every single person from our community to lead their respective fields)

Which is why I've decided to give it away for just INR 999....

But there's more.

For the first 200 people who register for this workshop...

You don't even need to pay INR 999.

You can pay an early bird fee of just INR 99.


>>>Here's the registration link​

(note: once the first 200 people have bought, this link will stop working & you'll have to pay the full 999 if you want to join)

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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