Subject: 1 Crore in 13 months 💰

Hello Friend,

What is the biggest financial goal you've ever set for yourself?

I set 1 CR in 1 year for myself.

And I'm extremely happy to share I did achive it in 12 months 18 days.

I won't say it was easy but I would certainly say it was worth it.

And all this is through LinkedIn. 

It is truly a GOLDMINE 💰

I hope my journey inspires you to start working towards your career brand, set bigger goals & do whatever it takes.

My journey on #linkedin 👇

✔️ Year 1 - May 2019-2020

LinkedIn warned me to not spam people thus, I spent hundreds of hrs to learn how this platform works

Followers > 0 - 4k
Income > 0
Self learning Investment - 55k

✔️ Year 2- May 2020-2021

Launched my Career Branding Model program on 6th May 2020 to help professionals & jobseekers build their brand on LI & get better career opportunities.

Followers - 4k - 40k
Community members - 110
Self learning Investment - 2.7 lacs
Income - 8.91 lacs

✔️ Year 3 - May 2021 - 2022

Followers - 40k - 82k
Community members- 912
Self learning Investment - 11 lacs
Income - 1.06 CR

My Learnings👇

1- Have a Mentor & Surrender to him/her

My mentor Siddharth Rajsekar taught me how to deliver my knowledge & learnings to the world.

Whatever I am is because of him 🙇‍♀️

2- Invest in Self Learning

People pay you only when they find value in your offerings.

Invest in yourself to become more competent & capable of helping them.

In the last 3 years I've invested more than 14 lacs in my self development.

3- Selling is Serving

Money is a by-product of the service you give to people.

Today hundreds of my community members are getting amazing career opportunities through LinkedIn.

The better you serve the more you earn.

4- Power of Visibility & Persistence

The more Visibility you have the more opportunities you get. Show people who you are & how you can benefit them.

Your hardwork will give you compounding results only if you persist.

There are no short cuts!

Yes, I'm happy for the money I'm making but more than that I feel blessed to be able to bring some transformation in the lives of people 🙏

If you think you are ready to start all over again, I invite you to my Masterclass today at 7:00 PM

"The distance between who you are & what you want to become is not years, it's the distance between your 2 ears".

See you at 6:50 in the session

Here's your session link 👇

To Your Brand's Success
Sakshi Chandraakar
Sakshi Chandraakar, Jankalyan Nagar, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400095, India
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