Subject: ✅ Top 10 Traits To Boost Your Chance Of Promotion

Hello Friend,

If you are looking for a salary hike or promotion at work this will be very helpful.

📌The first thing employers look for in a candidate for promotion is whether they have the willingness & the ability to perform in an outstanding manner.

Though your performance plays only 10% in your career success, this is your entry ticket.

So, here are the top 10 traits your manager & boss must see in you.

1-    Uncomplaining – Stress & problems are a part & parcel of your work life. Show maturity by performing not complaining.

2-    Productive – This is the very reason you are being paid. Be the most productive employee.

3-    Self- starter – Your work is to make your boss’s life easy. Do your work on your own, take initiative without seeking suggestions & help every now & then.

4-    Pays attention to detail – Focus on delivering work accurately & free of errors. This will enhance your image as a serious contender for promotion.

5-    Articulate – Your strong speaking skills will help you appear more competent & impact your manager’s perception of you in a positive manner.

6-    Creative Thinker – Coming up with unique & innovative solutions will help you add to the more efficient running of the business. Adding to the bottom line will keep you in the eyes of the top-line management.

7-    Ambitious – Being ambitious shows that you strive towards challenging goals & can lead during times of crisis.

8-    Understand the system – Your growth in the organization is possible by you displaying a 100% understanding of the processes & systems.

9-    Reliable – A very important trait that will help your manager entrust you with more responsibility.

10- Requires little supervision – Show your boss that you work with minimal supervision, manage your time effectively & maintain control over all current projects/responsibilities.

If you have or can show these traits you 100% are close to getting the entry ticket.

👉Keep in mind – Your performance plays only 10% of the role in your career success.

👉The rest 90% depends upon your BRAND & its' VISIBILITY.

🔥If you are serious about getting a salary hike & promotion then join me today in my Career Branding Masterclass at 7 pm & learn to initiate some serious actions to take your career to the next level.

******Today you'll also get a chance to be a part of my Special Vasant Panchmi Offer on the BRANDING & SOFT SKILLS PROGRAM ******

Please be there on time to grab this opportunity.

Here's your zoom session link 👇


I will keep the doors open at 06:50 PM

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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