Subject: ✅ This Might Give You a Breakthrough

Hello Friend,

The biggest breakthrough in my life could bring you yours.

I went through a life-transforming 2-day breakthrough training program by Dr. John Demartini.

Only the ones who've been through this training will understand this paradigm shift.

Dr. John Demartini is a polymath and a world-renowned human behavior expert.

A man who has read over 30,700 books & whose work has been described by his students as the "most comprehensive body of work", "an extensive library of wisdom".

He is an ocean of knowledge & I was blessed to get a drop 💧

It’s difficult to express what I've experienced but here's .001% of my learnings from this program 👇

1-  Every human being has a hierarchy of values they live by. And these values decide where they will be in power & where they will be powerless.
👉People who don’t have success & growth in their top value system find it difficult to attract it.

2-  There are no victims. There’s as much good & bad in each one of us as we see in others.
👉Judgement is a waste of time & energy.

3-  When you exaggerate others, you minimize yourself. You operate from shame & humbleness.
👉You see a lack in yourself.

4-  When you exaggerate yourself, you minimize others. You operate with pride & arrogance.
👉You see a lack in others.

5-  The purpose of our living is to live in balance & every event in our life is happening to teach us the same.
👉The events will continue until we learn the lesson.

6-  Living your life with design is better than living by duty.
👉Live your life with purpose & for a mission.

I’m no longer the same person I was until 2 days back.

🔥My commitment to my mission of helping jobseekers & professionals learn CAREER BRANDING SKILLS to live their lives to their truest potential has gone to the next level.

Every job seeker or professional must identify their Niche in my Career Branding Program.

And now after my learning, this process is much more refined.

👉When you work in your Niche you’re engaged at work.

👉When you’re engaged you attract more opportunities.

People who’re always looking to escape from work & are not inspired rarely succeed in life.

I’m glad I’m aligned with my highest value & I dedicate my life to helping professionals find theirs.

Do you know your Highest Value?

These are not the ones like honesty, integrity, or loyalty.

There are what you focus most on, you spend the most time on, and you fill your space with.

Everyone wants to be financially independent but only 1-5% are there.


Because their goals never match their values.

Every new learning helps me empower my community members with more clarity.

If you too are keen on building a career that is truly inspiring & fulfilling, join me in my masterclass tomorrow 29th Jan Sunday at 11 AM

Here's your zoom session link 👇


I will keep the doors open at 10:50 AM

To your Brand's Success

Sakshi Chandraakar

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